Thursday, January 2, 2014

Media Law - Privacy

NameName of InstructorSubject CodeName of UniversityDateMedia Law PrivacyA study on its impact on journalists in HK and Australia____________________________Great Britain was a powerful empire indorse in the disused age . It boasted of large areas of lands she colonized and conquered - with territories ranging from the Americas to the Far East and the peaceable . For so many years England has conquered these territories and left a bulky regularize on their cultures , such as intelligences and the media . Two of the better(p) examples of these territories would be Hong Kong in the Far East and Australia in the pacificIntroductionThese dickens countries were formerly the colony of the most powerful country back and then the British Empire . But now as the magazine would have it , the two were given their independence by Britai n , Australia in 1939 and Hong Kong s overturn to the Chinese Government in 1997 . today you may ask , what is the significance of the past activities of these two countries in intercourse to their media laws ? Let s look on how www .asiawind .com describes the balance . premier , both have considerable effectuates from Britain in the independence of normal , the media for example , and the other laws that go by it . turn , the turnover to two different cultures sets the difference for their journalism and media laws . The snatch fence will be discussed in detail in the beside few paragraphsWhen Britain handed over Hong Kong to china in 1997 , the pre- compound journalism style was different . Journalists were given large access code to any(prenominal) news they can go into , in short ample independence on the freedom of speech . The post colonial journalists now have a dilemma in their pass .

With the pre colonial freedom that they ve enjoyed now partly gone , its more or less impossible for them to write something which may be of raging catch or may be destructive to many constitution or the mainland politicians will call as propaganda against them . It would then be taken to assumption that in that location had been evidences with regard to invasion of their cover or political plans ADDIN EN .CITE WorkshopNew Media WorkshopHong Kong--Inmedia2007J uly 24 , 2007University of Hong Kong apos s news media and Media Studies Centrehttp /jmsc .hku .hk (WorkshopMedia Law in Hong KongIn a survey taken from the locate of Media Law as adhered to by the government , such is limpid that disclosing private issues if w ill not be unhealthful to ones health or safety or for a psyche s eudaemonia its better to let the persons concerned or organizations neck . accustomed such standpoint , in this case I hazard the Chinese Central Party will dissent with me . Considering the item that any leak into the private affairs of the spoilt bosses there and may be in fact , be detrimental to their health if the media will get their hands on it ADDIN EN .CITE InMed ia2007July 24 2007IDEA 2007http /www .inmediahk .net /public /index InmediaMost of the news that go against the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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